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How Anahit Can Help You Use Artificial Intelligence for Accurate Stock Market Research.

How to Use Artificial Intelligence for Accurate Stock Market Research

One of the most fundamental steps to take in buying a stock is researching the company. This is because the value of a stock is best measured by analysing several factors including the financial strength of the company, the price history of the stock, industry trends, current economic conditions, global events, and much more. However, it can be a time-consuming process of searching out detailed information on a company’s financial statements, and earnings growth as well as keeping up with daily news and strategic management changes about the organization.

To make investment research faster and more efficient, artificial intelligence has in recent years become a great resource for market research and stock picking. AI can process massive amounts of data in just seconds, identify previous market patterns and make predictions about a stock’s performance. These capabilities can enable investment analysts and individual investors to reduce the time and effort spent in researching a stock.

Anahit is an AI-powered stock-picking tool that uses a proprietary algorithm to identify market patterns, recognize emerging investment opportunities and predict a stock’s movement. In this article, we’ll highlight how stock research using Anahit works, as well as the unique features that make the platform a tool for conducting accurate investment analysis across any asset class.

How Does Anahit Work?

Anahit is an AI-driven investment insights platform that works by leveraging a unique algorithm to analyse and understand thousands of stock market data daily, identifying various factors that can impact price movement and stock value. With Anahit’s AI algorithm, you can research a stock’s performance history, analyse the company’s financial health and economic indicators, determine market sentiment and get timely recommendations on investment opportunities.


To generate unique market intelligence, Anahit AI analyses data based on five analysis techniques:

  Macro Analysis

Macro investing is an investment strategy that analyses global events and trends and how they can have an impact on the world’s capital market. The macro analysis capabilities of our platform allow investors to take account of factors easily missed by other analysis methods by offering insights into factors like global politics, market conditions like looming supply shortage, and historical data on global economies, helping you understand and make better predictions about market trends.

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis seeks to measure the intrinsic value of a stock beyond its current market price by measuring the financial health of the company, industry trends, and the current economic state. Using metrics like price-to-earnings ratio, projected earnings growth, and dividend yields, our algorithm analyses a company’s financial statements, credit ratings, news of management change as well as industry-wide growth to help you identify if a stock is a right fit for you.

Technical Analysis

Our platform analyses statistical trends from a stock’s historical trading activity including price movement and trade volume. With Anahit’s technical analysis capabilities, you can identify trading opportunities and evaluate the value of an asset using insights generated by our artificial intelligence algorithm on a stock’s price performance history, market volume patterns, and future price predictions.  

Social Sentiment Analysis

Conversations surrounding businesses are constantly ongoing across social channels, from a Twitter thread to a subReddit community. These conversations reflect strong social sentiments of the public towards a company and can serve as an important indicator of how a stock’s price might perform in the markets. Using Natural Language Processing, Anahit’s algorithm can analyse and provide an accurate understanding of investment conversations around you that can help you gauge the health of a business before placing a trade to buy a stock.

News Analysis

Our AI can help you anticipate news events that can impact a stock’s share price by keeping tabs on ongoing analyses, perspectives, and facts in the news about the financial market, industry-related performance, individual companies, and macroeconomic factors. With real-time updates on happenings across the market, you can make better-informed decisions for your investments.

Benefits of Using Anahit Insights for Stock Research

By leveraging artificial intelligence in your investment research you can enjoy several advantages over the traditional method of poring through hundreds of pages of data before making an investment move.

Eliminates human emotions and increases accuracy

Reduces time and money spent on investment research

Interprets reports and public data into  easily digestible data display dashboards

Provides intelligent recommendations and predictions based on pattern recognition


Platform Features


The Anahit platform offers investors unique dashboards that display vital data on various asset classes, industries, and market activities. Anahit’s Finsight feature is the perfect tool to conduct in-depth market research on investment opportunities, evaluate the performance of the history of an asset and make predictions on future performance



Anahit users receive personalised real-time market intelligence on stock performance predictions, emerging opportunities, and action recommendations on current assets. These instant notifications known as Finalerts are tailored to your needs, based on your asset preferences, risk appetite, and location. They are a great way to stay updated on stock movements, market trends, and new assets to invest in.


With the Anahit AI-driven investment analytics platform, every type of investor, from beginners to financial analysts and brokers can navigate the changing capital markets with stronger assurance, and better returns on their investment choices.

Gain access to unique investment insights today by signing up on Anahit today! Visit Anahit.ai to get started now with a 2-month free trial.


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