Emily AI
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Title line The five pillars behind Anahit’s

Data-driven investment
analytics platform.

Macro Analysis

Understand the market’s ability to bear risks by connecting asset prices and economic fluctuations

Macro analysis icon image Macro analysis icon image


Fundamental analysis icon image Fundamental analysis icon image


Fundamental Analysis

Measure an asset’s worth by connecting the dots between economy, finance, and industry conditions

Technical Analysis

Identify trading opportunities with done-for-you statistical trend analysis, including trade volume and price movement

Technical analysis icon image Technical analysis icon image


Social Sentiment analysis icon image Social Sentiment analysis icon image

Social Sentiment

Social Sentiment Analysis

Get an accurate understanding of investment conversations around you with natural language processing (NLP)

News Analysis

Draw investment conclusions from facts, perspectives, and analyses from news stories on the go

News analysis icon image News analysis icon image

News Analysis

Team working togather
Title line Build a secure future

Algorithm-led finance insights.

Make informed investment decisions with
data-driven insights.

We've built Anahit to help you make faster and more accurate investment decisions. Our platform leverages artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics to generate timely insights for you. With Anahit, your investment decisions can be based on data, not opinions, trial and error, or mere intuition.


Join Other Investors Creating a Secure Future With Anahit.

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One of top employee
With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future.
  • Carlos Slim Helu
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